Math Algebra Video Lessons For Students Online
Learn how to convert decimals to fractions with this 2 mins video tutorial
Watch nowHow to calculate the LCM of two numbers, how to calculate the least common multiple of two numbers.
Watch nowLearn how to convert fractions to decimals with this 2 mins video tutorial
Watch nowMultiplying and dividing decimal numbers video tutorial for student from grade 4 and more.
Watch nowRounding whole number video tutorial for kids, how to round up or down whole numbers.
Watch nowFree algebra video tutorials online for students. Each video is a short lesson for students and focuses on a particular skill. The videos cover topics in algebra I and algebra ii like: geometry, linear equations, simultaneous equations, finding the lowest common multiple and highest common factor, finding the area of shapes, volumes, perimeter, circumference and more. Videos can be followed directly on our YouTube channel and the focus is on algebra for students in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th , 5th , 6th and 7th grades. Watch a video and pause at each stage to grasp all steps. Videos have the merit of having the ability to be watched multiple times hence using these for homeschooling kids finds its place for parents in need or a virtual tutor at home. These will also be useful in the classroom for teachers who wish to supplement their regular course. Come back to this page for more and please share.
Decimals to fractions tutorial: In this video, there are steps for students to follow in order to understand the concept of converting decimals to fractions. First of all, students have to watch out for the place values of the numbers before and after the decimal points. It is based on this that a numerator (typically a multiple of ten0 is determined. Once both numerator and denominator are determined, students simply have to reduce the fraction to its lowest term.
Finding the lowest common multiple - The lowest common multiple refers to the value of a multiple common to two numbers under investigation. There could be several multiples but what is of interest in this case is the lowest value that is common to both numbers. This tutorial will teach students how to find this lowest value. The skill acquired is transferable and can be applied in solving similar problems on the list of worksheets found on this website.
Addition and subtraction of whole numbers - This tutorial covers several aspects of adding and subtracting numbers. When subtracting, some numbers need regrouping i.e. carrying numbers across places. While adding, some numbers also need to be carried across places. Addition starts with basic one place numbers, but it gets more complex with addition of two, three or four place numbers. This tutorial breaks down the process for easy understanding.
Rounding decimals video tutorial: In this lesson, students will learn how to round up decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. When doing this, some principles do apply. For example, if a number after the decimal point is from 5 and above, it can be rounded up to 1 and moved over the decimal point to the left to add to the next number. But if it is less than 5, it can be dropped. It all depends on what you are required to do in a problem. This tutorial will aid kids understand the principles of rounding up decimals.
Simplifying fractions to whole numbers tutorial – A fraction contains a numerator and a denominator. In some cases both numbers have common factors. In simplifying fractions, students have to divide both numbers by a given factor until they are divisible no more. In the case of improper fractions, some can be reduced to whole numbers while other end up as more reduced improper fractions. Watch and learn from the tutorial above.
Everyone thinks that algebra is a difficult subject. But if you watch our free algebra video tutorials for beginners, you will realize how easy the subject can be. These videos are not only useful to create an intense interest for the subject in students’ minds, but are also extremely helpful to create a strong pre-algebra base for students on which they can build up their advanced learning of algebra with confidence and ease in understanding without any confusion or nervousness. We have algebra I & II online tutorials too that are great for a comprehensive study and for making the subject absolutely easy to understand.